Good weddings in Oklahoma are hard to come by. Thank you mom for giving my the money and budget. She is awesome. So, I do think I have officially decided that we are going to use the Myriad Gardens and going to get married on the Water Stage.

The stage has been updated since this photo and has built in chairs that seat 210 in place of the cement benches. Also, they are going to refinish the stage. So, as long as the weather permits, which there is never a guarantee on any kind of weather in Oklahoma, the wedding will be here. The reception is another story, still looking in the downtown OKC area. And, there is no date set as of yet, March 27 or April 3?
But, I do know what the wedding colors will be. Thank you paint swatches. This is pretty close, the colors may vary ever so slightly with different hues.

Sort of a warm limey olive green or an apple green, dark warm gray or maybe a slate gray, and light pink, breast cancer awareness style. Really, the I'm not so sure about the hue of each one. After I chose the main colors gray and pink with green accents, I then found out that my Mom's wedding colors were green and pink, so hurrah, good choices Mom. I want my bridesmaid dresses to be gray. Maybe with green shoes. And, then I really like the pink ranunculus with green in the middle.

And the green ones are pretty awesome, I have to admit.

And, I also think wheatgrass centerpieces would be really cool.

Probably with rectangular low white or gray vases though. Okay, enough for today.
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